Being an IT Professional (Developer / Designer) is not an easy thing when you have lots of stress at work, more and more deadlines to achieve, to satisfy all your client’s expectation, 9 to 10 hours of work and sometimes even more. All these things really can turn your personal life and your health into worst condition. It is said that health is wealth.
Some common problems amongst web developers are back pain, mental stress and low eyesight. I am going to guide on this things which really helped you in your daily routine and improve your daily life as an IT Professional.
- Daily Schedule – Set a 24 hours daily schedule & a ToDo with required time for your daily work in office
- Eating Habits – Intake Enough cal / protein food , Avoid junk food
- Water Habits – Make sure that you body keeps hydrated all the time by enough water
- Proper sitting style – Maintaining good posture all day requires conscious effort
- Intervals during work
- Workout / Exercise
- Avoid alcohol / tobacco / drugs
- Be strong mindful – Make Meditation a part of your life helping you to concentrate and release stress
- Weekend plan – A short trip is very refreshing